Phylum:- Nemathelminthes 
Class:- Nematoda
Common name:- Roundworm


The adult worms live in a lumen of the small intestine of humans.


It is found in two forms:-

  1. Adult form.
  2. Larval form. 

1. Adult form:- 

Adult male:-

  • It measures about 15-30 centimeters in length and 2-4mm in diameter.
  • The anterior end show mouth surrounded by 3 toothed lip.
  • The posterior end is coiled and posses two spicules.

Adult Female:-

  • Female is longer and stouter then the male parasites.
  • It measures about 20-40 cm in length and 5-6 mm in diameter.
  • The posterior end is straight and conical. 
  • The vulva is situated on the ventral surface at the function of the anterior and middle third of the body known as the vulvar waist.


There are two types of egg librated by the female is described- 

Fertilized egg:

  • These are round and oval and measures about 60×40 um in diameter.
  • They are yellowish-brown enclosed in the eggshell as an unsegmented ovum. 
  • There is clear space between ovum and eggshells at both the poles of the egg. The eggshell is covered by albuminous coat.
  • In suitable environmental temperature fertilized egg developed in soil over 30-40 days to become infective to human beings. 
Unfertilized Egg:                
  • They are more elliptical and longer measures about 90×45um in diameter.
  • They enclosed in the eggshell as an atrophic ovum with a mass of disorganized and highly refractile lobules of various sizes.
  • There is no space between content and eggshell.


Ascaris lumbricoides has a simple life cycle. It requires only one host to complete type its life cycle. The infective form is the human being is a fully developed egg-containing Larva.

Fertilized eggs are passes with feces.
Rhabditiform larva developed from the unsegmented within the eggshell in the soil in 10-14 days. 
Ingestion of infected eggs through contaminated food, drink or raw material.
Egg reaches the small intestine where it hatches to reduce larva.
This motile larva penetrate to mucosa to enter the portal circulation and reach the liver.
After stay 3-4 days in the liver larva enter the systemic circulation to reach the lungs.
After 10-15 days of development in the lungs the larva penetrates through the capillaries.
Larva now enters the Alveoli.
From here ascend to the branchial tree, trachea, larynx, pharynx.
Larva than crawl over the epiglottis and swallow with the saliva again.
Finally reach to the S.I and grow in adult work in 6-10 weeks.
After meeting with the female produce fertilized egg.
The eggs embryonated in the soil to repeat the life cycle. 


The larva undergoes Moulting 4 times-

  • One outside within the egg shell.
  • Two times in the lungs .
  • One time again in the intestine.


1. Due to larva 

Ascariasis:- It includes:

  • The patient developed non-productive cough.
  • Substernal discomfort.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Blood tinched sputum.
  • Urticaria.
  • Fever.
  • Eosinophilia.
  • Penetrating the larva produces microhemorrhages induces an eosinophilic response in host resulting in pneumonia called LOEFFLER'S SYNDROME.

2. Due to adult Worm:

Adult Worm causes asymptomatic infection but when present in a large number especially in children Causes protein-energy malnutrition & vitamin efficiency. 
The symptoms produce are - 

  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Appendicitis.
  • Biliary colic.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Cholecystitis.
  • Peritonitis. 
  • An adult worm may migrate through the esophagus reach to the larynx cause asphyxia.


  • Shoot examination - For adult worms and eggs.
  • Sputum examination- For larva.
  • USG. 
  • Blood examination.
  • Skin test.
  • Serological test.


  • Albendazole.
  • Pyrantel pamoate. 
  • Piperzine citrate.


  • Maintenance of proper hygiene and sensitization.
  • Proper treatment and disposal of sewege reduces infection range.
  • Drinking water should be filtered.
  • Vegetables should be washed.